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Úschovňa hesiel do školského systému


XMind - ak má súbor, ktorý ste si stiahli príponu (.xmind) a nejde vám spustiť, potrebujete si nainštalovať na svoj počítač tento program XMind.  Po nainštalovaní z menu tohoto programu bezproblémov pôvodný súbor otvoríte pomocou "open". V prípade akýchkoľvek nejasností sa nebojte pýtať na adrese  sopusik@windowslive.com.





<iframe width="500" height="405" src="http://www.mindomo.com/view.htm?m=524e5fa94784488b8a8154a75218ec90" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>Your browser does not support frames. View this <a href="http://www.mindomo.com/view.htm?m=524e5fa94784488b8a8154a75218ec90" target="_blank">mind map</a> on its original site. It was created using Mindomo <a href="http://www.mindomo.com" target="_blank">mind mapping software</a>.</iframe><br/>Make your own <a href="http://www.mindomo.com/">mind maps</a> with Mindomo.


http://<iframe width="500" height="405" src="http://www.mindomo.com/view.htm?m=524e5fa94784488b8a8154a75218ec90" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>Your browser does not support frames. View this <a href="http://www.mindomo.com/view.htm?m=524e5fa94784488b8a8154a75218ec90" target="_blank">mind map</a> on its original site. It was created using Mindomo <a href="http://www.mindomo.com" target="_blank">mind mapping software</a>.</iframe><br/>Make your own <a href="http://www.mindomo.com/">mind maps</a> with Mindomo.